Additionally, prediction models can take into account cyclical patterns, such as a seven day weekly cycle or a quarterly cumulative sales trend. 此外,预测模型还可以考虑使用循环模式,如七天的周循环或每季度累计销售趋势。
Financial markets are likely to be sensitive not to the decline in the long-term trend, but to significant cyclical fluctuations below that trend ( hard landings). 金融市场容易感觉到的,并不是长期衰退趋势,而是隐藏在这种趋势之下的巨大周期性波动&也就是所谓硬着陆。
These two measures of cyclical variation, percent of trend and relative cyclical residual, are percentages of the trend. 度量周期波动的两个量&趋势百分数和相关周期余数,都以趋势值的百分比表示。
El Nino, a cyclical warming trend now under way in the Pacific Ocean, can lead to milder weather, particularly in the Northeast. 太平洋上的厄尔尼诺现象,一种循环升温的趋势,能导致气候变得温暖,特别是在东北地区。
True though that may be, this cyclical trend only partially applies to China. 虽然他说的可能是实情,但这种周期性趋势对中国仅仅部分适用。
The really big question, however, is whether this is just a cyclical blip, or the start of a truly historic long-term trend. 然而,真正重要的问题是:这仅仅是一种周期性的昙花一现,还是一个真正具有历史意义的长期趋势的开端?
The international financial crisis led to the continued spread of the world economy into recession, China's economic growth has shown signs of cyclical slowdown trend. 国际金融危机的持续蔓延导致世界经济陷入衰退,我国经济增长也呈现周期性的减缓趋势。
Abstract: Due to weather conditions, holidays, people's customs, population and economic growth and other factors, the volume of passenger traffic shows a cyclical growth trend. 内容提要:由于受气候条件、节假日、人们的风俗习惯、人口和国民经济增长等因素的影响,客运量呈现出周期性的增长趋势变化。